For Request Items and Compliance Items with multiple approvers and/or multiple stages of approval, it is sometimes helpful to see which approval stage and/or individual approver the item is waiting on for approval.  Depending upon whether a user is an Administrative User/Approver or Basic User, there are different ways to view that information.

Administrative Users and Approvers

Request Items

Locate the specific Request submission in question and either roll over the pending status icon OR select the Details button.  Within the Details modal window, the current provider will be listed.  Note - If the submitted item is waiting on a specific approver, the individual approver's name will be listed.  If the submitted item is waiting on an entire approval stage, where more than one approver can approve the item, the name of the approval stage will be listed.  

Compliance Items

Locate the specific Compliance item submission in question and roll over the pending status icon.  From the pending status icon roll over, the current approver is provided.  Note - If the submitted item is waiting on a specific approver, the individual approver will be listed.  If the submitted item is waiting on an entire approval stage, where more than one approver can approve the item, the name of the approval stage will be listed.

Basic Users

Request Items

Locate the specific Request Item in question and click on View.  From the Details tab, view the current approver.

Compliance Items

Locate the specific Compliance Item in question and click on Details.  From the Details tab, view the current approver