We continue to add new features and enhancements to Comply based upon the feedback and needs of our customers. Below is a list of the most recent enhancements.
If you have a suggestion on how Comply could be better, please let us know by visiting our Help Desk and submitting a Support Ticket.
Act 48 - Option to Not Submit Act 48 Hours to PERMS for Certified Educators
Administrative users and Supervisors now have the option to NOT send Act 48 hours to PERMS. This feature may prove helpful in instances where a teacher has completed a training outside of the district and the provider of the professional development is submitting those earned hours to PERMS. If the teacher is reporting the completion of that training within Comply, you would not want to submit additional hours to PERMS. This may also be helpful on request items that facilitate and track Flex Hours.
How does this work? Upon approval of a compliance item or request item, if a certified educator has a PPID number the approval modal will include a Submit to PERMS option (see screen grab below). By default, the Submit to PERMS toggle will be set to YES. If you DO NOT want to send the hours to PERMS, then before approving, change the Submit to PERMS toggle to No.
Note - In these instances, when the submission is approved, the Act 48 icon will remain grey denoting that the approver elected to NOT send hour to PERMS.
Record of Messages sent to an Employee by Administrative Users and Supervisors
When a direct message on a compliance item or request item is sent to an employee a record of this message is now recorded within the history section of the users details. Administrative users and Supervisors can now see a running history of all messages sent to the employee pertaining to this particular item.
Record of Nudges to an Employee
When an employee has been "nudged" to take action on an item, it is now recorded in the history section of the users details. Administrative users and Supervisors can now see a running history of all nudges sent to the employee pertaining to this particular item.