Bradford Area SD is using Requests in Comply to track and credit paraeducator hours. This request item requires paraeducators to receive pre-approval for an upcoming professional development training, course and/or workshop and complete follow-up after the event. 

Example Workflow - The paraeducator initiates the request, indicating the details of the event through a questionnaire. Once submitted for approval, the request is routed to the appropriate Principal/Supervisor. Following approval, the paraeducator attends and/or completes the training/course/workshop and returns to the Request item within Comply and submits follow-up requirements. Follow-up requirements include feedback about the training/course/workshop and proof of completion. Once follow-up details are submitted and approved, paraeducator hours are awarded and tracked within Comply.

Note - To utilize this item, an administrative user must first identify paraeducators by marking them as such within their individual profiles. Once this has been completed, paraeducators can begin utilizing this request item. To view hours earned by each paraeducator within a given school year, administrative users can access and view the Paraeducator Report.  For more information, view our support article: How to Mark Users as Paraeducators and Access the Paraeducator Report

For directions on how to create this request item on your portal, review and/or print the attached document.

Requests Best Practice Example (click to enlarge)