We continue to add new features and enhancements to Comply based upon the feedback and needs of our customers. Below is a list of the most recent enhancements.

Access Previously Submitted Evidence

Users can now access evidence submitted on previous cycles and/or items that were completed in the past.  This is especially helpful for clearance items when users need to access evidence (i.e., uploaded documents and completed questionnaires) that was previously submitted. To learn more, see How do I access submitted evidence and documents? 

Identify Which Approver a Submitted Item is Waiting on for Approval

For items with multiple approvers and/or multiple stages of approval, it is sometimes helpful to see which approval stage and/or individual approver the item is waiting on for approval. Depending upon whether a user is an Administrative User/Approver or Basic User, there are different ways to view that information. To learn more, see How do I tell which approver my submitted item is waiting on?

Download All Users

You can now download a list of all your users.  The download will include the following information...

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • PPID Number (if applicable)
  • Access Level / Role
  • Archived Status
  • Paraeducator Status 

The download will also indicate whether each user account is verified. 

Learn more at Download a List of All Users.

Differentiate Between the Forgive and Cancel Status Icons

To be more consistent across the application and to make a clear distinction between the status icon for Forgive and Cancel, the status icon for Forgive has changed to green with an asterisk (see image below). The status icon for Cancel will remain a grey circle with a minus sign in the middle.